Monday, March 07, 2005

Xbox Cables & WTF

I received my four replacement power cables for my Xboxs today and they all seem to work exactly as intended except that I have no idea which cable goes with which Xbox. Three of the cables are the same and one is different. Anyway, I go online trying to find the answer and find a whole bunch of people complaining and saying how Microsoft is cheap for sending them a free $10 cable to protect their house from burning down. In the meantime I'm thinking WTF and asking myself why people are so f!@#ing ungrateful, at least I felt a little better when I read this person's post:
"i can see how most of you think that ms has done thw wrong thing here. but i think that they have done the right thing. if you have a psu that is liable to have a dry joint, they give you the cord with the big bulky plug thing. if it stops working, you send it to ms, the replace the psu.

for evreyone else, the reason why you have a new cord is so that for you lazy fuckers out there who dont unplug it when you transport your xbox, you dont do as much major damage the connecter"

If you guys keep trying to sue Microsoft there isn't going to be an Xbox 3 or a Halo 4; Microsoft isn't going to produce products for a market that they're not even making money in yet that is just going to sue them 5 times over. Four years ago for every Xbox you bought Microsoft lost over $100, it's only now after four years as a result of Moore's law that they break even. Give Microsoft a break.

By the way, doesn't the warranty say something like "free from manufacturing defects and poor workmanship for 90 days", not 4 years. A power connector coming lose after four years is not uncommon at all, especially with people dragging their boxes by the cord. Microsoft isn't obligated to give you a new cord, sure they're covering their own asses, but they could just as easily say you screwed up the power connector by not removing the cable as specified. As for the sparking, even of newer consoles, all products spark when they're plugged in, it's called a difference in electrical potential and you can even hear it when you turn your light switch on. Also, remember that all of these Xboxs passed UL and CSA testing...

Here's the concensus on what kind of cable you get:

"There are two potential defects within the xbox. The power supply solder joints, and the power cord pins not fitting snuggly enough. The bigger fire hazard is the power supply. Some xboxes have both problems, some only have the power cord pins problem.

M$ is therfore distributing two cords:

1) One with an afci box on it [for Xbox 1.0 & 1.1 with Rev. A Foxlink supplies without the riveted power connectors].
2) One without the acfi box on it, but just fixes the pin connection problem [for all Xboxs manufactured in 2003 or earlier (1.2-1.5 Xboxs)].

If you want to fix the solder joints, or otherwise replace the power supply to avoid using the cord with the afci box on it, you can BUT: it is advisable to replace the cord anyway. The old cord is still potentially defective. The new cords are numbered JHT-031, and the old defective ones are numbered JHT-013 . And of course, new xboxes will come with JHT-031 cord in the box." - jason_m


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